
Monday, February 09, 2004

As of Sunday, 8th February 2004, 1800hrs...

I, Peter Lin, have officially sworn off use of my home PC. Having caused the second harddisk crash in the span of two months, I believe I'm no longer deserving of using the computer. Therefore all future blogging, work and other necessary stuff will be limited to the University library PC.

At least this way, I won't be rushing home every night for the wrong reasons. At least this way, I can finally watch television without feeling like I'm missing something out. At least this way, I won't be responsible for the loss of my siblings' MSN logs.

A pity it had to happen at this time, though. I was enjoying my "duty" as a GenoHadaran aka "top-secret assasin guild" in SW: KOTOR. Now I'll probably never play KOTOR for at least another decade.

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